Our goals
Put waste in trash cans, sorting it, giving it to collectors, taking care of our living environment and reducing plastic consumption.
PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT / fight Climate change
Raising awareness and education about the environment, practicing ecological gestures, reducing atmospheric, land and marine pollution, improving sanitary conditions, recycling waste, manufacturing alternatives to plastic, promoting the circular economy and agroecology
CReate an engaged ECOLOGICAL generation
Bringing together motivated and committed young people to act for the environment and local development and supporting them in implementing initiatives.
CREATE employment / local opportunities / women empowerment
Hiring young people, women, artisans and artists. Training and skills development for the local community.
STRENGTHENing LOCAL CULTURE / community development
Promotion of culture, development of gardens, sports clubs neighborhoods, organization of cultural activities and events.
Agriculture, fishing, crafts and tourism are improved thanks to all the activities implemented in the Ecolo-Cultural Solution.