TERANGAGEE France converts maritime containers into waste transformation workshops.
Containers have the advantage of being mobile and affordable.
The concept is to be able to have a well-organized sorting and recycling center, anywhere, even in remote areas (thanks to its energy autonomy).
The containers are part of a set made up of a sorting, washing and drying space, waste recycling and upcycling workshops, awareness raising space and a shop.
The first prototype of this “container kit” is made up of 4 units:
- The machine workshop
- The assembly workshop
- The solar workshop
- The awareness workshop/shop

This first prototype will be equipped in Angers from January 2024 and sent to TERANGAGEE in Cap Skirring (Senegal) by sea transport.
Why in Angers?
- TERANGAGEE France is from Angers
- The expertise in manufacturing Low Tech machines for plastic recycling is in Vendée at the Recycleurs Fous workshop (members of the Precious Plastic France community – partner on the project).
- The desire to bring together Angevins volunteers and begin the actions of TERANGAGEE France with a meaningful project.
machines workshop
The plastics are washed, dried then crushed before being transformed in this workshop by the injector or extruder.
- 1 GRINDER, which will crush the majority of types of plastic
- 1 INJECTOR which transforms HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS plastics into small objects that can be produced in series such as carabiners, spinning tops, pots, earthenware tiles or combs
- 1 EXTRUDER which transforms the same types of plastic into bricks, into complex and artistic objects or into beams which allow you to create benches or games for children
- 1 AIR EXTRACTOR for toxic fumes

assembly workshop
Recycled plastic objects are assembled, sawn, polished, etc. in this workshop.
Other recyclable materials (glass, PET, cardboard, paper, multilayers, etc.) are also transformed into finished products in this workshop.
An aluminum recycling space is created outside the container.
- 1 DIY space with a workbench, tools and machines (saw, sander, screwdriver, glass cutter, etc.)
- 1 creative TRANSFORMATION space with a sewing machine, a loom, a CNC, supplies to create jewelry, works of art, decorative objects decoration, etc.
- 1 outdoor space for transforming aluminum by the ARTISANAL FOUNDRY into molds, into useful objects (pots, dishes, vases) or into objects of art.

solar workshop

The plastic chips are transformed into boards by the action of the compression oven and the heat of the sun.
- 1 SOLAR COMPRESSION OVEN which allows plastic to be melted by the heat of the sun and compressed into medium-sized boards to then make stools, small tables, shelves, etc.
- 2 COLD PRESSES to cool the boards and maintain their shape. The boards are then placed on a horizontal rack in order to store them optimally.

awareness workshop / shop

Panels, games, songs, videos, workshops, recycled objects… everything to raise awareness in the community in an artistic and fun way.
Goals :
- WELCOME classes and visitors
- INFORM them about the global waste problem, with emphasis on marine pollution
- make them AWARE of the impact of local behavior on their environment, their health and on the local economy
- INTRODUCE them to ecological gestures through artistic and fun tools and to the transformation of recyclable materials through creative workshops
- EXHIBIT recycled objects and offer them for SALE

layout / autonomy
Layout of containers with Low Tech machines, equipment for the transformation of all types of waste and furniture resulting from a circular economy approach.
In addition to the layout, several studies must be carried out upstream for the:
- Optimization of the container structure, coating, painting
- Calculation of consumption and autonomy in electricity (solar panels) and water (closed circuit phyto-purification)
- Location on site (plan, orientation of the sun, direction of the wind, rainwater recovery, etc.)
During these few months, we also plan to organize workshops on waste upcycling and the manufacturing of tools for processing materials.
Enough to mobilize DIY volunteers, higher education and training students (ENSAM, AFPA) and partner companies!

research & development

The work of Research & Development of this project consists of designing Low tech machines for the recycling of all types of waste, adapted to small volumes and inexpensive as well as finding upcycling methods for waste that is difficult to recycle.
In particular, we are looking for solutions for paper/cardboard, PET, clothing, glass and fishing nets.
partners of the project

Help us arrange our kit of 4 containers to obtain an autonomous waste recycling solution anywhere in the world
Contact us